23 Feb Highway Tanker Truck Certification and Repair Grande Prairie
We are thrilled to announce Kaymor has passed the first major step towards fully performing Highway Tank Certification and Repair and that is the approval of the pressure equipment safety authority ABSA (Alberta Boilers Safety Association). Now, we are looking forward to the authorization from Transport Canada. Here is a backgrounder.

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The scope of this work is wide and it is invaluable to keep our highways safe and functioning. We have detailed previously information regarding the different tanks we will be handling in the future. But what do you know about the two authorities we have mentioned above. Read below for a glimpse.
1- ABSA, the pressure equipment safety authority, is authorized by Alberta Government to administer and deliver safety programs related to boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping systems in Alberta. The aim of these safety programs is to establish public safety and include the complete life cycle of boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping systems. The Safety Codes Act allows an ABSA officer to inspect a boiler or pressure vessel. ABSA is also responsible for the certification of pressure welders, inspectors and power engineers for the operation of a power or heating boiler.
2- Transport Canada, based on risks, develops safety standards and regulations, provides oversight and gives expert advice (through the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre — CANUTEC) on dangerous goods accidents to promote public safety in the transportation of dangerous goods by all modes of transport in Canada.
For us, there is a unique advantage to passing this first step. Kaymor will be the only company in the Grande Prairie area to manufacture, modify, repair, assemble, inspect, test and retest a wide array of tanks in the transport and oil and gas industries. We will continue our dedicated service for Grande Prairie’s trucking and transport industries on all possible levels.
Our services will include Highway Tanker Truck Certification, as well as constructing, maintaining, and servicing pressure equipment such as vac trucks and pressure tanks. We’ll keep you posted on the last authorization step in the near future regarding Highway Tanker Truck Certification and Repair Grande Prairie.
Meanwhile get in touch with us if you have any questions.
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