
Kaymor Industrial Solutions is currently seeking talented new individuals to join our machine shop in Clairmont, AB which is located just outside of Grande Prairie, AB.  Kaymor was established in 2001 and is proud to support the Peace Region by providing Machining, Welding, Fabrication and...

At Kaymor our machining service department has been working on a line boring project for a scissor neck trailer. Line boring is the process in which we can repair worn out bores by welding and machining them back to manufacturers specifications or simply over size the existing...

The introduction of the TreeKing has been an exciting process here at Kaymor.  Through detailed hard work and craftsmanship from our team here we are creating a machine that will offer benefits for years to come for our customers.  The machining, welding and mechanical service department's have been working hard to create a top of...