28 Jul More Than Just Oilfield Machining and Welding
Kaymor is more than just your regular machining and welding shop. A couple of recent inquiries have been to machine a plaque, for the Grande Prairie Petroleum Association and build a miniature version of the Stanley cup, for the Grande Prairie Minor Hockey Association (GPMHA) Novice boys team. Can Kaymor do such things? You bet!
THE PLAQUE: Grande Prairie Petroleum Association
A short while ago, Ray Mildenberger, of the Grande Prairie Petroleum Association, called Kaymor with an unusual request, a plaque.
As a non-profit organization, the Oilmen’s take an active interest in the community by supporting local charities and athletic groups. Every year one member is recognized for their outstanding commitment to the Oilmen’s Association and the associations values. In the past the winner was announced at the year end meeting and nothing more. Ray wanted this year, and the years to come, to be different. Thanks to the Kaymor team, the Grande Prairie Petroleum association now has a plaque to award.
THE TROPHY: Minor Hockey
Heavy duty mechanic, Austin McDonald, was approached by GPMHA coach Trevor McCurdy to see if Kaymor could manufacture a miniature version of the Stanley Cup. Trevor coaches a team of 7 and 8 year old’s, who not only play hockey together but also ball hockey.
Normally at the end of the season there would be a team barbeque, with the parents and team coaches. This year ended with a twist. After a game of shinny the boys where awarded a trophy.
Imagine their surprise when the coach awarded them with, every boys dream,…. The Holy Grail, The Stanley Cup!!!!
Both pieces were machined by Steven Jones, a 10 year employee of Kaymor. Amazing work Steven!